Hello Everyone,
And welcome to this first bulletin for the ECC 2009.
- Bulletin 1 is the opening Bulletin of ECC 2009.
And welcome to this first bulletin for the ECC 2009.
Dear Sailors,
Bulletin 11 is the closing Bulletin of ECC2008.
According to Accuweather.com we are going to have great weather! Sunny and warm!
In this, really the final now, Bulletin No. 10 we have mentioned some changes in the logbook. Special attention to the change of coordinates of waypoint 9!
See you all next week!
With kind regards,
Pieter van Beuzekom, Commodore ECC 2008
Bulletin No. 9 contains the latest practicallities.
Bulletin No. 8 contains info regarding sailing regulations, new info on the ECC 2008 route, transfer info and other pratical items.
Also some special messages from the committee and main sponsor Hertel. Enjoy reading.
Engineering Challenge Cup 2008_bull 08.pdf
Bodrum Hotels.pdf
BODRUM Hotels – Map.jpg
Bulletin No. 7 contains some interesting information about ECC 2008 main sponsor Hertel.
Also new info regarding the sailing route of ECC 2008.
Engineering Challenge Cup 2008_bull 07.pdf
Bulletin No. 6 contains again interesting information about the ECC 2008 sailing route starting in Bodrum Turkey.
Engineering Challenge Cup 2008_bull 06.pdf
Also with this bulletin the boat list for 2008 is presented:
Boat list ECC 2008 DEF.pfd
Dear sailors,
Special Bulletin No. 2 is a about the boat selection procedure:
Special Bull 02_boatselection_2008.pdf
You can also find the list of boats for ECC 2008.
Boat selection list.pdf
Dear sailors,
Bulletin No. 5 contains interesting information about the ECC 2008 sailing route starting in Bodrum Turkey.
Engineering Challenge Cup 2008_bull 05.pdf
Also in this bulletin all skippers are requested to prepare their crewlist with typical information such as passport numbers / Nationality / Date and Place of birth / Tel Nos / personal cloths sizes etc. as we need this information soon.
Crew list pro-forma.xls
Dear Sailors,
Please prepare your crewlist with typical information such as passport
numbers / Nationality / Date and Place of birth / Tel Nos / personal
cloths sizes etc. as we need this information mid October…...